Welcome to
the Catholic Church of
Holy Ghost & St. Stephen

Welcome to the parish of Holy Ghost & St. Stephen, Shepherd’s Bush in West London. Part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, we are a vibrant and diverse community united by faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. As Catholic Christians, we are fully committed to following the teachings of Christ as contained in Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church believing that this is what gives meaning and purpose to life in this world, and the hope of eternal life. Sustained by prayer and the grace of the sacraments, we seek to serve God and our
Some 600 people attend Mass here each Sunday to pray, listen to God’s Word and encounter Him in the sacraments. You are very welcome to join us. If arriving in the parish for the first time, please introduce yourself to the priest and the other parishioners, and take a moment to complete a parish registration form.
We hope to see you on Sunday and at some of the activities and groups running through the week.
With prayers and best wishes,

Fr. Mark Vickers
Parish Priest.
-Romans 12:5

Mass Times at Holy Ghost & St. Stephen
9.30 am
10.00-10.45 am
6.00 pm
Vigil Mass of Sunday
9.15 am (Sung)
11.00 am (Sung) *
6.00 pm
* With Children’s Liturgy during school term-time for those in Reception to Year 3 who have not yet received their First Holy Communion
9.30 am
Monday, Tuesday & Friday
followed by parish rosary
7.00 am
7.00 pm
9.30 am & 7.00 pm
Holy Days of Obligation

44 Ashchurch Grove
W12 9BU
020 8743 5196