Where does the money come from and go to?
The parish depends on parishioners’ Sunday offerings. Almost one third of this goes to the Diocese to pay for Catholic schools, the Bishops and Catholic agencies, chaplaincies and organisations. The balance pays for the Parish Team, utilities, repairs and maintenance, insurance premiums, the expenses of liturgy and catechesis, and the many other daily bills. We face significant costs in maintaining and developing the premises, and it would be good to contribute more fully to evangelisation and the mission of the Church locally and internationally.
The parish Finance Committee assist the parish priest in all matters relating to the parish’s finances and property. In addition to Fr. Mark, the current members appointed for a three-year period are: Michael Tose (Chair), Helen Arvanitakis, Loic Ehua, Nicola Heaslip, Seamus McMullan, Gary O’Brien and Gareth Russell.
Parish accounts are prepared each year. A copy is available on the notice board at the back of church or you can click here to download the latest accounts for year ending 31 December 2023.
How can I help?
We are grateful to all those who already support the parish financially. Obviously, no one should give more than they can afford, but we should be realistic about our level of giving and review this regularly.
As a charity, the parish can recover the income tax paid by parishioners on their donations. This is an extremely important source of income, enabling the parish to recover several thousand pounds annually – at no extra cost to you. For example, if a parishioner who pays income tax gives £10 per week then the parish can claim back £2.50 which has already been paid by the parishioner.
To enable us to reclaim the tax, you need only follow the simple steps below:
- You must pay UK income tax. (We can only reclaim tax you have paid it in the first place.)
- You must sign and return a Gift Aid Declaration. This covers any donation you then make to the parish. Click here to download the Gift Aid Form.
- We must be able to verify the amount you give. That means you must either give (cash or a cheque) through the envelope system or by standing order. Click here to download the Standing Order form. Of course, many people now set up standing orders electronically – please use the parish bank details on the Standing Order Form, but let us know if you set up a standing order either directly with your bank or online, so we can update our parish records.
For further information about planned giving, please contact the Parish Office –
Online Giving
It is possible to donate the parish online by going to the diocesan site –
A Legacy to the Church
Another way of giving to the Church is under the terms of your will. It is important we plan for what we want to happen to our money and possessions after our death to ensure they go where we want. Obviously, you should first make provision for your family and dependants. You may then wish to consider making a legacy to a charity, including the parish. (These gifts are not subject to Inheritance Tax.) For further information about how to benefit Holy Ghost & St. Stephen under your will see the leaflets about legacies at the back of church.

44 Ashchurch Grove
W12 9BU
020 8743 5196