Parish Groups & Activities

Parish Music
We are blessed with excellent music at the 9.15 and 11.00 am Masses on Sunday mornings.
At the 9.15 am there are hymns and the Ordinary of the Mass is sung in Latin. If you are interested in helping with the singing, please contact the organist, Michael Rossi, at
At the 11.00 am Mass Luke de Pulford directs a choir of adults and children singing the Ordinary of the Mass in English with hymns and Latin antiphons and motets. If you or your child are interested, and can commit to a weekly rehearsal on Wednesday evenings and the 11 am Mass each Sunday, please contact Luke de Pulford at Luke is also starting a group for those with more choral experience which will sing occasionally for the 11.00 am Mass. If interested, please contact Luke at the same email address.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Motivated by their faith, members of the SVP seek to help alleviate any kind of practical need. This might involve visiting the elderly, housebound or those in any kind of difficulty, or relatively small donations of material aid. The local SVP group meet in the Parish House at 8.00 pm on Tuesday evenings. They are always looking for new members to give effect to Christ’s command to serve Him in the least of His brethren. Contact: 07925 560538.   

In our busy, noisy world, it can be incredibly difficult to find time for peace and prayer. Once a month 7-8 pm on a Sunday evening we open the doors wide to the street and invite everyone into the candlelit church to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, light a candle or just be still. There is the opportunity for Confession. The evening ends with Night Prayer and Benediction. Dates are announced in the newsletter.

Scripture Study Group
This group meets weekly to reflect on the Sunday readings. Please contact James Roberts at for further details. All welcome.

Catholic Curry Club
For dads (Catholic or otherwise) with children of primary school age or under who attend Mass here. Meeting once a month, starting, for those who are able, with the 7.00 pm Mass on a Thursday, we move on to curry and conversation both spiritual and secular. Dates of meeting are announced in the newsletter, or contact Dario Esposito at

Mums and Toddlers
This group meets monthly at 10.30am on Fridays in the Parish House basement to share faith and friendship. For details, contact Charlotte or Izzy at  

Young Adults Group 
This group is for young adults (18-35) both singles and young couples yet to start a family. It meets monthly at 6:00pm on Sundays to reflect on matters of faith and to socialise. Dates of meetings are announced in the newsletter, or contact Jonathan Fear at hope that this group will resume meeting in the autumn.

Your Title Goes Here

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbour as yourself,’
(Matthew 22:37-39)


44 Ashchurch Grove
W12 9BU

020 8743 5196