We have the enormous privilege of having the gift of God’s forgiveness and mercy freely available to us in the sacrament of Confession. All that is required is that we are truly sorry for our sins, that we confess them to a priest and that we have the firm intention of amending our lives. If we are conscious of serious sin in our lives, then we must receive God’s forgiveness in Confession before receiving Holy Communion.
If it has been a while since you have been to Confession, do not worry. The priest is there to welcome you and to guide you through the sacrament. You can find a guide to Confession here.
Confessions are heard in the confessional in church every Saturday 10am and 5.15-5.45 pm and Sundays 7.00-7.45pm.. The priest will also be happy to hear your Confession at any other mutually convenient time – simply ask.

44 Ashchurch Grove
W12 9BU
020 8743 5196